Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Mama?

Yep, we're there. Here's how her bath went tonight.

AK: Why there bubbles in my hair Mama?
Me: Because there is shampoo in your hair.
AK: Why shampoo?
Me: To make your hair clean.
AK: Why that? (pointing to conditioner)
Me: To make your hair soft.
AK: Why Mama?
Me: Because I like soft hair.
AK: Why?
Me: Because it feels nice.
AK: Why soft?
Me: Soft, you know like lotion on skin--it feels good.
AK: Oh. Well Mommy, where's my heart?
Me: Right here (as I point to her chest).
AK: Why?
Me: Because that's where God put it.
AK: Why in here?
Me: To keep it safe.
AK: I need new heart riiiiiight here (points to her arm where giggles the clown painted one at the beach.

Tiring but funny


Anna-Kate now "reads" books with me (ie, she has them memorized and quotes it as I read). So I was reading a Sandra Boynton "Dinosaurs" book. The words are:
"Dinosaurs early and dinosaurs later...
dinosaurs crammed in an elevator".

She said, "...dinosaurs cammed in belly later."

So, I guess I need to work on my diction.


I can't begin to say how blessed I was by my children today. They were actually playing together, and it warms my soul and almost makes me cry at how sweet it is. Anna-Kate was lovingly hugging her brother, giving him kisses and sharing balls, rattles etc with him. He responded with continuous giggles as his eyes just followed her wherever she went.

She is crazy about him, and he certainly loves his sister! I keep hearing about babies' first word being their older siblings' name (as that's what they hear all day). Thankfully, Anna-Kate is a mouthful. Hopefully I have "mama" in the bag. :)


Chris said...

NO way, its dadda!

Chris said...

Oh and I know why no one leaves comments on your blog, you have to register on blogger or google or whatever, kind of lame.