Friday, November 7, 2008


I'm it. I was (sorta) tagged by my friend and given the letter "n".

So, here's my list of 10 things I love that start with N.

1. New shoes. And clothes.
2. Neat and tidy...everything to be organized.
3. Nail polished toes.
4. Nutmeg in egg nog. YUM.
5. Notebook. (as in the the movie, "The Notebook")
6. Nice words.
7. November (and Thanksgiving).
8. The Nash side of my family (and others as well, but I'm going with N.)
9. New friends.
10. know, ones that tie the whole outfit together.

Hmm, now whose turn? Let me know if you want a letter. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, i'll take a piece of this. if i have to post every day in november, i'll need some 'fluff pieces' :)

and all of the sudden, i have a sudden compulsion to get some new shoes. weird.