Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Chris to me last night: "I hope I die first".
Me: "awesome, why?"
him: "so I can look down on you from heaven as you struggle to work the computer wondering why you didn't pay better attention to me while I did things for you 900 times."

For a little background, I am computer dumb and often ask him to do things for me, that he obliges while rolling his eyes so far up I swear they'll get stuck one of these times. Look, it's easy to forget things you don't do that often. Right? :)


For any who are interested in a little cholesterol, McDonalds is giving away small french fries every Tuesday in the month of February (check your local one to make sure they participate). Boy, those things are delic. I drove through today and said I wanted my free fries. She asked what else I wanted, I said that'd be it. :) Hey, I'm cheap, and easily thrilled. :)


Ryan has been taking a few steps here and there. He'll walk in between Chris and I and gets a huge kick out of that. Still not "walking" (though I swear he's capable, just too lazy or apathetic to do it).


In PRAISE THE LORD news, yesterday we were playing outside in this spring-like weather and Ryan was in his swing. My parents gave him a swing with a seatbelt for Christmas, but it just hadn't been put up yet. (I'll add, it's now up). He was in the dolphin swing (which doesn't have a seatbelt) and somehow put his foot in and threw himself out. It was slow-motion for sure. I screamed and dove for him and he was just beyond my fingertips as he landed head first on the grass. We were both hysterical. Of course I freaked out, and called the ped who had me do all sorts of head movement tests and look for all his joints to move without pain etc. Then, I had to wake him up a few times last night to, "make sure that he will wake up". Awesome. Let me just say, this was not me not paying attention, I was right there, literally, a foot away, but it just happened so fast. Learn from me and add to the list of "always do this" (you know, sunscreen, regular bedtime, seatbelt in swings). So, the dolphin is history, the real swing is up.

We went back out this morning, you know, "back in the saddle".


Anonymous said...

i love your new look...i've been keeping up with you through my reader, so i haven't visited directly in a while.

anyway, zoiks. i hate scary times like that. i'm glad the little bean is okay. i loved hanging out with him at the meeting yesterday...he's a friendly little guy! and he eats...it's his thing :)

Janelle said...

kelly, he's a holton, of course he eats, it's "what we do". :) ha!

Michael and Andrea plus Baby Dawg said...

K so I totally read that to michael about chris and the computer cause that's totally me! He's always like, "Andrea focus. . what did I just say and what would you do if I werent here to do this for you?" and I"m like "well i just wouldn't do it if you weren't here, DUH"

Good times!!!

Janelle said...

I show you how to fix the wireless everyday...
Step 1 unplug the router
Step 2 if step 1 didn't work refresh the wireless connection
Step 3 if that didn't work try restarting the computer
Step 4 if that didn't work just take a break from the computer and give it another go in an hour... he might be tired

Janelle said...

Whoops, that was Chris talking not janelle.