Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Starting over in the new year

Well now. Happy 2012. :)

I don't do resolutions, so starting over for us is more in regards to school. I've been very worried and stressed about a preschool for Ryan for next year. It's just so competitive and/or expensive, yet necessary to be accepted to kindergarten! Ryan is determined to read--begs to learn and has even cried in frustration as he doesn't know how yet. We are working on it. :) I am not particularly worried about that aspect of his education. He does, however, have zero interest in handwriting, or even holding a pencil.

Anyway, in an extremely random conversation I heard the name of a school I hadn't yet considered (or frankly, heard much of). Turns out, they do the same writing curriculum as Anna-Kate's school. (perfect!). Every one of my concerns were addressed and answered as if I had been giving the answer. Bonus, it is ballpark the same price we were paying--so not a complete hit to the budget, were he to get in. And that is the big question.

Per usual, in our area, there is a huge wait list. Thankfully, 3 kids moved at Christmas, so she is calling through her wait list and will get back to me. We are definitely praying towards this being the answer for the boys and hopeful that this is the Lord's provision for us. Either way, it's been an encouraging day for me to feel peace about the situation and to wait. I know He will provide!

1 comment:

Holbie said...

Janelle - we started teaching Jonas how to read using the book Teach Your Child to Read in 20 lessons. We like it and will use it with Rachel when she is ready. Jonas is on Chapter 17 but could probably finish very quickly at this point if he wanted to. Anyway, I highly recommend it!
