Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The sun

Me: "Anna-Kate, it's time for your nap."
AK: "Why mommy? I not sleepy."
Me: "Because it's 1:30 and it's naptime."
AK: "But Mommy, God made the sun, and the sun is up still. [it's] not night time."

How does one anwer that? Should I have pulled out the old "because I said so?". :) Thankfully, she hopped in bed...and a mere 1 1/2 hours later, fell asleep. Geesh.


Anonymous said...

She's a smart cookie! Don't you love it when your 2.5 year old insists she knows better than Mama? Logan does that, too, and it's hard not to laugh at times!!
"One of those days" with her nap though, huh? Hopefully today she'll crash for her nap.


Jana said...

Oh, we have this conversation almost everyday. I finally got a clock for MK's room, taped paper over the minute side and now she knows if her clock says 1 it's nap time. I tell her she has to be quiet until it says 4. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Anyway, MK has been asking about day time and night time and trying to figure out how it all works. They are very smart and curious at this age for sure!

Jana said...
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Jana said...

oops. my commented posted twice for some reason, so I deleted the 2nd one...just wanted you to know what happened. :)