Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dancing queen!

So, while we're talking about how April slipped away from me and I utterly failed at documenting my children...here's Anna-Kate's school ballet recital {hangs head in shame}. She did such a good job and we were so proud of her! My mom was able to come up and we had a yummy dinner at our favorite pizza place before getting to school. She looked beautiful in her dress and remembered all of her moves perfectly, even helping the little girl near her remember what to do. Very, very cute. They danced to Miley Cyrus' "Love That Lets Go". While I wasn't initially thrilled about her introduction to Miley, when I asked her about the song she said, "Oh, it's some Smiley girl song. What kind of crazy name is Smiley anyway?" Lol. Sure do love this girl!

Beautiful girl

They were butterflires. She danced so elegantly and the dress was perfect. :) 

Sweet friends...Annie, Natalie, AK and Marin

The kindergarten dancers.
Caroline, Alena, Marin, Anna-Kate, Sara Alden, Natalie, Rebecca, Annie, Marin

Her sweet buddy Adam came to support her and watch her perform. :) 

Mary Phillips and Anna-Kate

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