Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On the difference between boys and girls

Ryan has started his new school this week, and it's fantastic! Truly, an answer to prayer. He loves it, has a new little buddy and asks to take off his jammies and put on clothes (not normal for him, which means he is raring to go!). In fact, on Tuesday I told him to hurry and get dressed so he would have a few minutes to play with Jack before we left. He said, "I don't think I want to play with Jack this morning. I just want to go to my new school and play with Graham."

Anyway, on Monday when Anna-Kate came home from school she came in and immediately asked Ryan how his first day of school was.

Ryan: "good"
AK: "Oh, I'm so glad! Did you get to play outside? What did you have for snack? Did you make any friends? Here, I'll just sit down here on the couch with you and you can tell me about your whole day from the beginning and then I'll tell you about mine!"
Ryan: "Umm, no thanks. It was good, that's all."

Clearly, that is a nature, not nurture issue for boys. At least it isn't just me he doesn't spout out the info for. This is going to be a hard shift for me as I'm accustomed to getting a minute by minute play by play of the day (who wore what, who said what, who got in trouble, what everyone ate, and her thoughts on all of the above.). Sigh.

I guess I didn't realize I was spoiled. Silly boys. :)


Jenn said...

I LOVE this post. We haven't gotten there yet. K and H both talk to me until I feel like my ears are going to explode, but it's mostly talking just to talk. Anna Kate is going to be such a great mommy just like you. I love reading about her unfolding personality:) I hope you're feeling well!

Christy said...

That is SO cute Janelle!!

Gil House said...

well, i hate to poke a hole in your boy vs. girl theory here, but my little boy just gave me an hour-long detailed blow-by-blow of his day at school before bedtime. i wonder what role birth order plays here? i know my mom always said that laura couldn't get a word in edge-wise with me around growing up. :)

Katie said...

I hear ya! EA tells me all the details and all I get from Rane, mind you he just turned 3, is "fine." Lovely.