Wednesday, February 1, 2012

School Ryan

Ryan: "Today Lydia told me at school that she was going to marry me. I told her I'd been thinking about it. We'll see, huh mama?"

Me: "uhh, sure. God already knows who you will marry we just have to wait and see."

R: "Well, I know all about how to marry a girl."

Me: "Oh really?"

R: "Yep. I have to kiss her. Then she gets a baby in her tummy. Then we are married."

Me: "Well, I'll say it's a bit more complicated than that...and let's be clear, God puts babies in tummy's after you are married."

R: "Right."

R: "I learned about Adam and Eve and snakes today. That mean old snake wants to kill all the girls."

Me: "Do you mean he tricked Eve and God made snakes and girls not like each other?"

R: "No, I think he kills them."

...I think he's missing a bit of the