Had my OB appointment and glucose test today. I arrived starving and nauseous from the sugary (non-carbonated) drink. YUCK. Am not sad to never have to take one of those guys again! Anyway. My doctor did a fun 3D ultrasound to check growth/position etc--and just because she's fun and awesome like that (get this, she's even more fun and awesome because the baby had his face jammed up against the placenta and we couldn't get one decent picture, so she is gonna do another ultrasound next appointment! Yes!). He is already over 3 lbs (3.3 actually-71%) and his head, wait for it, is in the 97%. Ya, not that there was any doubt on the repeat C-section, but seriously. Was excited to hear he was such a beef-cake as I've only gained 12.5 lbs this whole pregnancy (this is huge for me...and certainly not from anything I've done as I just ate my way through Disney and have been living off Mickey rice krispie treats, Easter candy and peanut butter m&m's the last few weeks...). I think I'm gonna have Ryan.2 on my hands! :) She said he looks perfect and that all looks well.
Can't believe it's so close to over. Definitely have mixed feelings. Chris and I both are feeling peace and closure over this stage of life, but it's weird and scary at the same time. I'm still enjoying the kicks and movement--but he is hands down the most active of all of my babies. Wonder how that will translate to life outside the womb??
Oh my goodness...seriously, 3rd trimester. Time is flying! You look awesome and congrats on the lack of huge weight gain:). I am so glad to hear that you and Chris feel a peace about this being the last baby. I always wonder if that actually happens. I don't know that I've felt that yet:). Hope the 3rd trimester is wonderful and quick at the end!
Jenn Ferguson
Time is flying!! Ready or not. :) You look great!!!
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