Friday, September 16, 2011

He was on a roll...

Ryan's new obsession is Super Why--and I love that as it teaches reading skills. Anyway, he and I were playing a rhyming game in Publix...bell, sell etc. It was his turn, he looked at me, got all excited and yelled out "Oh! HELL!". I had been halfway paying attention, but he suddenly had my full attention. I suppose I didn't either congratulate or come back with my own quickly enough because he said, "Mama, hell, did you hear me? HELL!" There were a few people who stopped to stare. They were probably judging me.


Ryan tooted quite loud and I shot him a "say excuse me" look. Instead, he said, "know my what toot says?" "You need to go potty?" I ask. "Nope" he replied, "it says I STINKY!".


While playing Candyland, (which, side note it is SO FUN to play games with a kid who is competitive and enjoys games. I always felt like I was making Anna-Kate play with me. :) ) Ryan was on a "sticky spot" (licorice space) and when he drew his next card said, "woo-hoo, green! I'm outta here!".

Love that kid.

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