Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Her roommates will thank me one day.

I am, by nature, a selfish person. I would like to think it is a tendency associated with the female gender, if only to make myself feel better. I think my problem became most pronounced my freshman year of college {my college roommates are probably nodding their heads emphatically in agreement}.

It's not that I was raised with a silver spoon {I wasn't}. It's not that I got my way all of the time {I assure you, I didn't}. I was the only girl in a two kid family where our ages were spaced over three years different, and then, unfortunately, spent my teen years as an only child. Therefore, it just kinda happened. I was never forced to learn to share.

Poor Liana. I got to college and she reached for my toothpaste (or socks, or hair brush, or sat on my bed...) and I probably looked at her like she had grown an extra head. I was queen of sticky notes and here began my love of labeling (at the time, it wasn't an organization issue, as "mine" isn't so specific). I may or may not have been difficult to live with that first year (though, I pray I got better over time!). There is a point to this thought process.

I have three kids, and they are pretty close in age. Jack was born before Anna-Kate turned five. They play pretty well together and share pretty well too. However, I'm finding that I have to be mindful that Anna-Kate, being the only girl, doesn't always get her way. Not that she doesn't share, but in the little things, like getting the pink plate (we have the Ikea set of multi colors) or princess cup. I feel it is my duty to her future roommates and husband to throw her a yellow plate and orange cup every once and again (even at the expense of poor Jack, who often ends up with a pink plate). It's the little things.

And there, is my deep thought for today. This is how my brain works. I truly try to think through my deficiencies and help my kids work throw them so as they aren't ever issues for them (or others) to encounter.

1 comment:

Gil House said...

this TRULY made me laugh out loud, esp as a higher ed administrator who deals with LOTS of roommate conflicts. your daughter's future RA & RHD thank you!!! :) good strategic thinking there, mommio.