Thursday, July 21, 2011

They said

On the way home from Chick-fil-a...

Ryan: "Oh look, that's my work right there! I work like my daddy." (pointing towards a retail/restaurant area)
AK: "Oh husband, how nice, that is a nice work."
Me: "Ryan, what do you do when you are at work?"
Ryan: "My job is putting all of my money in big bags. Then I bring it home to my wife."
AK: "Yes, and then we give it to God. That's what you do! You work hard and give your money to God!"
Ryan: "Not all of the money! We have to pay for our house too!"
AK: "Oh, that's right, you are right, husband."
Ryan: "Yes, I am right. And you are wrong wife."
AK: "Well, we give our money to God and buy our house and then we just like to fly kites a lot."

~Can you guess which Disney movie they've been watching recently?~


Leslie said...

Haha! Love it!

Chris said...

I WISH THAT WAS MY JOB! Make things a whole lot simpler.

Kathy said...

Such adorable kids!!! (and I'm being totally objective!)
I want to watch Mary Poppins next time I'm there. That would be a blast from the past!