Friday, July 8, 2011


A couple of weeks ago (cough, cough) we had VBS at church. It is such a fun and special week--but SO tiring! :) I was in charge of food again this year (what can I say, I have a gift of eating) so found myself in the center of everyones good graces and of all of the socializing. Perfect placement for me, I'd say.

The usual me with children in our tired VBS shirts and 1/2 of the participants not caring/looking/smiling.

We were so excited to bring Anna-Kates sweet friend, Marin, to VBS with us this year! The girls played soccer together this year and will both be in kindergarten at the same school. They had a blast!

Whelps, that's it! I guess you sorely lack pictures when you are across the street socializing, err, making food. :)

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