Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Manly Men

Parenting either gender is a huge calling and enormous responsibility. Today I've been thinking more about my boys, about their character and the kind of husbands and men I hope that they become one day.

Maybe it's because I've been spending extra time with my two boys lately, but I'm a bit overwhelmed as I think about the obligation of raising two boys who will one day, Lord willing, be responsible for their families. I pray they will be godly husband and fathers. But what does the training look like? Of course we train them to hold doors, wait for "ladies first", we teach respect for authority, to protect women and children and to stand up for what is right (well, we are working on this with Ryan. We are just working on talking with Jack...baby steps. Ha!). I know there isn't a formula for "do this and this happens" with kids, so I guess besides prayer I can just be thankful that my boys have an incredible model to watch in Chris. Any hints for training up godly young men are appreciated.

Funny thing, this picture is what got me thinking about it.

A friend (hi Emily!) remarked on facebook that this was hubby in training. I would like to think that real men are happy to help a tired wife out with the vacumming. I am so thankful that Chris is happy to jump in and help when asked, and often, without even needing to be asked! What a blessing!

And, just sticking with a theme...here's poor Jack with his first black eye. He had a little run in with the wrought iron railings as he fell down a few stairs (seven, to be precise.). Ahh, boys will be boys. :)


Holbie said...

Janelle, I was thinking about this same thing this past weekend. I asked David to cook dinner Saturday night. As he was cooking dinner, it occurred to me that I should have him cooking dinner more often. That way both kids will realize that it is okay for a daddy to cook dinner! (My dad has never cooked a meal and doesn't even know where my mom keeps her cooking tools...).

Tate Family said...

:) well, hi. i feel special. :) eli has a baby doll that he hugs and sleeps with under his arm. i don't discourage it but just smile and pray that he will be an emotionally nurturing father one day! :)