Sunday, December 2, 2012


We spent the summer mostly at home. Between recovering from a C-section and learning to balance 4 munchkins, I was hard pressed to leave my four walls with all of them. :) I did try really hard to go out and do special individual things with the kids a few times. I love the insight into their thoughts when they are alone with me.
Anna-Kate was an awesome helper to me. I dreaded the start of school wondering how I would do carpool and get on without her help. She loved to feed Mark (though, to be fair, after this picture was taken she said, "OK, I'm done with him now").

While the big kids were in Macon Jack got special time with Mommy and Daddy. We went out to dinner with him and Mark and he didn't know what to do with all of the attention. :) (that's a lemon he's sucking on...)

Ryan and I had a date in when Chris took Jack and Anna-Kate out. We had corndogs and grapes on the couch (!!) and watched old Adam West Batman reruns. He thought that was the best thing ever!

Anna-Kate and I at her most requested restaraunt...Waffle House. Sigh. At least she's a cheap date! :)

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