Sunday, December 14, 2008

Anna-Kate's pocket

Chris: "Anna-Kate, where'd my phone go?"
AK: "It's in my pocket"
Chris: "But you don't have a pocket." (she was wearing a smocked dress)
AK: "Yes I do, in here." Then points at her crouch. Ya, she had stuck the phone in her tights and was squeezing her legs together to keep it from sliding down and out of her "pocket".

She's a resourceful one, that girl. :) Ha!


Tate Family said...

TOO funny! Gosh, I just love reading what she says. Keep it up. :)

RE: paint --> Life's too short to stay clean all the time. C'mon, Mama, get out the paint!!! :)

The Levy's said...

That is too cute - I wonder where she got that idea from???