Saturday, September 20, 2008

Such a helper

Yesterday I was preparing to make a pot of coffee. I don't usually drink coffee in the mornings, but it was one of those mornings. Ahhh. Ryan woke up at 6:45 in hysterics. Forgive me, but I was unaware that hour existed, and am fully happy to forget it from this day forward--yuck. Anyway, as I was getting the coffee out Anna-Kate came running into the kitchen saying, "I help you Mommy, I help!". What sweet words! I was so excited at her enthusiasm and told her that I would indeed love her help. So, she dutifully dragged the chair over to "help" (aka being able to see and try to scrounge food within reach). Anyway.

JH: "I'm so happy you want to help Mommy make coffee".
AK: "No Mommy, no coffee. I make cake."
JH: "Well honey, it's morning and we aren't making a cake right now."
AK: "But I want cake...with iciiiiiiing." (the multiple "i's" are supposed to denote the whine...)
JH: "Well, we aren't' making one today, sorry."
AK: "but why?"

Please, use your imagination for how this conversation continued for another few minutes and then finally ended with, "because Mommy said so."

Glad to know she wanted to help... :)

1 comment:

Tate Family said...

Haha! Funny story!!

This might make you feel better...I have to be AT WORK by 6:45.