So, I'm not gonna lie, today was harder than yesterday. It's been a looooong 72 hours in my life.
As posted yesterday, Anna-Kate is sick and has been
very needy of me as of late. Last night, I heard Ryan coughing a few times but wasn't too concerned. The doctor told me that he would likely get a cough, not to worry. This morning however he woke up covered in various colors of snot with an alternating "productive" cough and a hoarse/dry/croak cough (it sounded painful and like he had lost his voice--even though he isn't talking). He was miserable. So was I.
Chris encouraged me to take him, for the second day in a row, I hauled it to the pediatricians office. This time with two sick children. I am so lucky.
After waiting for 45 minutes (during his morning nap that he skipped) he cried the whole time the doctor was in with us. She couldn't draw a conclusive diagnosis because of this and because of that, coupled with his young age and Anna-Kate's diagnosis, she sent us to the hospital for x-rays. Could my day possibly get any better? (dripping with sarcasm...)
I had to wait another 45 minutes, then strip him to his diaper, sit him on a mini-bicycle seat with his arms straight up around his ears and then all strapped in around his belly, arms and head. Needless to say, he
hated that. Can you blame him? He was screaming. Anna-Kate was hysterical at being taken behind the door to avoid x-rays. I was crying to see my baby so upset. I finally got him, redressed him and got everyone calm.
Then the tech came back.
Yep, the image was blurry. I had to strip him and do it all again. Nightmare, end, make it stop!
The doctor called a few hours later to say that his lungs were not inflamed yet--but to be really aggressively saline drop him to keep it clear. Obviously, I didn't want him to be sick, but all that and it's just a bad cough/cold?
So, after feeling sorry for myself all day I determined that my attitude was completely out of whack and I needed to just be thankful for my blessings. Here is my list of thanks.....the silverlinings, if you will, to this black cloud of a day (or week, so far).
1. Anna-Kate is a little better, Ryan isn't too sick, and they will both ultimately be fine.
2. When babies are sick they are deliciously snuggly, warm and cuddly.
3. People feel sorry for you and are kinder and more helpful (while I was filling out paperwork a lady walked my stroller in circles around the waiting room trying to calm Ryan down).
4. You get to cut in line (they moved me up in front of 2 others at the hospital--possibly since he was screaming, but whatever).
5. My ego gets stroked (you know, "wow, you are so patient". "what a saint, this must be so hard for you". "your kids are precious even when sick".)
So the last one is kind of a joke.
Kind of.