Sunday, September 26, 2010

A half

Good gracious, it's been a busy week and weekend! (I abhor getting behind in my blogging too!). Here's a quick overview of our fall break week:
Monday-zoo with neighborhood friends
Tuesday-jammie day!
Wednesday-children's museum
Thursday-lunch at chickfila and then soccer practice (and a picnic at the field)
Friday-tour of a local pizza place, stayed for lunch. Left town early for our church's fall family retreat.

Whew! We just got back. I promise to add more pictures tomorrow (hurray for jammie Monday!) but I had to get on to wish my precious baby a happy 6 month birthday! (what!?!?!). In response to me telling her he was half of a year old today Anna-Kate said to a couple of people today, "oh ya, he's a half." Sweet baby.

(and, he managed to move from the blanket in Ryans room through the door, down the little hall to in front of his bedroom tonight. Say it ain't so!). Bummer.

1 comment:

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- Norman