Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ever had that knot feeling in your gut and throat where you can hardly breathe because you are so emotionally upset by something? (I should add, this isn't about Chris.)

That's where I am.

Clearly, a blog isn't the place to document the details of problems. But, I write so that I can remind myself that God is bigger than me and my problems and that He brings restitution and healing.

Thank you Jesus for loving me and for comforting my heart when it hurts.

Feel free to offer up a prayer on my behalf. I could certainly use the encouragement.


Liz said...

You are in our prayers!

Christy said...

Will do Janelle. Hope you're ok!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I have had that very feeling before...and I will definitely offer a prayer on your behalf. Wish I could give you a hug and pray with you in person!!
