Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As we drove home from school today Anna-Kate said to me, "Mommy, I want you to teach me when I'm 10." I said, "what do you mean?" She said, "when I get big I want to stay home and you teach me there. Like, maybe when I am done with the 5 older school at Miss Mandy's school" ("5 older" refers to 5 year old school, or, kindergarten). I said, "so you want to stay at your school this year and next year and then you want mommy to teach you at home?" She said yes then, "Mommy, do you think you could pray about teaching me at home after I leave Miss Mandy's school when I'm 5?"

I was kinda caught off guard by that. How great that she wasn't just asking permission, but wanting me to pray about it? I love her sweet heart for Jesus! I was also struck with the seriousness of her request. Especially considering her tender age, I want her to see prayer as vital, not a flippant thing Christians say to each other, "Oh ya, sure, I'll pray about that for ya" type thing.

So, we will (continue to) pray about that, and for the continued development of her spirit towards the Lord.

1 comment:

Dance411 said...

well there goes your answer huh! couldn't be more clear :)