Tuesday, September 22, 2009


...to losing my sanity (clearly, my mind is already gone). It has rained for approximately 900,437 million days in Atlanta (seriously, 2 weeks. Straight. Like, the pouring so hard you can't see your mailbox kinda rain).

They canceled school today (and, incidently, ballet) due to extreme flooding and mud falls in the area. Ironically, it's not raining today (and hasn't since I've been awake).

Now, here I go with my silver linings again...we've had a really nice morning. We are all still in our pj's (well, to be fair, AK dressed herself this morning and Ryan is in a pj shirt and real shorts. So, I'm still in my pj's...). The kids have done a craft project, (that netted me about 20 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning time!) I've washed, folded and put away (the real miracle) 2 loads of laundry, cleaned a bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, and dusted.

Wowza, I should forsake a shower, social life and sanity more often...

We are praying for no more rain, so perhaps, we can venture outside tomorrow. Now, wouldn't that be something?


The Levy's said...

oh my - I think I see something resembling the SUN! YEAH!!!!

Mom said...

Imagine how "Mrs. Noah" must have felt.

Michael and Andrea plus Baby Dawg said...

ur mom is funny. Oh and i mailed ur check yesterday. i just can't tell you how much I love the dresses. Can I puuuuleeease be in your commercial for Southern Expressions? I think I'd be great. I'm just sayin. No pressure