Monday, June 14, 2010


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

How good it is to rest in the Lord! How amazing to know that God is in control. He knows all things, holds them together (Col. 1:17) and gives us what we need, when we need it.

We have had such sweet family time the last few days! Not doing too much, just playing, eating and reading together. I have big plans to make homemade granola bars this week. Should be interesting....just hoping they're edible.


Today I dropped the big kids at Ryan's playgroup and took the baby to the post office. I dread that place. I dread going there like I dread the next round of my kids' sickness. The lines are always crazy long and the workers are painstakingly meticulous (read: SLOW). It's as if the lady who works at our local USPO is absolutely pained to be at work each day. I had my sweet, cooing, (non-waling even though he was in his carseat) baby with me and she looked up and said "next" in the stankest voice and tone. I smiled and said, "good morning" hoping to shake her nastiness, but she looked over her reading glasses at my boy and quickly looked away, typed then said, "delivery confirmation?" in that same disgusting voice. I wanted to ask (but didn't) if it would kill her to smile, or at the very least call it even and keep her lips in a straight line across her face. O well. It certainly makes me thankful that I can stay home with my kids and not spend my days miserable in a job I hate.

Are you still reading? Gracious, I need to get some better material. :) Ha! Amazing that those stories that only happen to me, haven't happened lately. I guess that's what happens when you don't leave too often. Ha!

I have almost finished my work room re-do. I am LOVING typing and sewing in here!! (and, I made Anna-Kate a new dress to celebrate and christen the new space!). It's done in black and cream with accents of light pink. Gorgeous. Just hang tight, I'm hoping to get some pictures tomorrow (You know, remember to do it when the sun is out. We'll see).


The Bartons said...

I think that SAME USPS lady has a sister in Baltimore b/c I swear you described my 'fav' to a "T". I too wondered why she even came in to work if she literally acted like it was the worst thing ever to happen to her just to ask "delivery confirmation". AND I had to pick up a package one day and so did my friend- so my friend stood in line while I waited with Bailey outside but then I came up to the desk with my friend once she got up there and the lady REFUSED to just get me my package and told me to wait in line- despite me showing her my dog who sat outside, etc. I realize there was a line, etc. but ALL it took was grabbing a box off of a shelf. 1 minute tops. Ohhhhh I was miffed. So I cooled off and returned the next day. Glad I have a fellow friend who shares in my USPS misery!

Mom B said... relation to an earlier post, let me encourage you and Chris in your decision. Chris is a wonderful dad and husband, and we are confident the Lord will honor his desire to do what is best for his little flock. That may not mean monetary provision, but may simply be the future delight, as Daryl and I are enjoying now, of godly adult children who love the Lord and their parents and mates and children. I will be praying for the "fallout" to be mild, and for courage for you both, to not "second-guess" yourselves as time goes on. Love you!!!