Monday, October 4, 2010


I have been so encouraged by so many who have emailed, called and told me that they (or their kids) have been praying for us and Ryan. Thank you!

We went to the pediatrician for a follow up appointment and she said Ryan sounded great and was good to go (not contagious etc). She referred us out to a ped ENT and a ped pulmonologist (to rule out asthma--which I'm really praying he doesn't have as croup he could outgrow, but I don't think you outgrow asthma).


My Papa is in surgery right now. He is having his knee replaced. I've not been able to get him off my mind today, which is good as I've been prompted to pray multiple times today for him. My kids noticed me praying and asked what I was praying about and I told them (and tried to explain surgery..."well, the doctor is gonna cut his skin to give him a new knee..."why?" in every possible scenario followed.). Anna-Kate immediately stopped what she was doing to pray for Papa. She said, "Dear Jesus, please help Papa's knee get better, thank you for your blessings. Amen." Ryan thought that he would add a prayer too, "Jesus, Ryan better A-men!" I said, "what about Papa buddy?" He said, "oh ya, and Papa, A-men!". Sweet little ones.


Christy said...

So glad Ryan's doing better!

Dance411 said...

love how Ryan prayed for himself first! I am so happy to hear he's better. You never know what your neighbors are going through. I am praying for him to quickly outgrow all the little ailments and that you have no more scares ad also for your papa's full healing and recovery.