Friday, November 26, 2010

The first day of Christmas defined by me. As we drive away from Thanksgiving dinner, the Christmas season begins {queue the "Hallelujah Chorus"}.

Last night we brought down all of the boxes from the attic. I spent this morning hanging garland and shopping the black Friday deals with my MIL while Chris got the tree up. We hit Kohl's then went out to a yummy lunch at a local deli, and on to Costco. We came back for the kids to nap and worked on the decorations some more.

Anna-Kate, Ann and I met my mom at a local tea room downtown for a yummy dinner (shrimp and grits, fried green tomatoes, fresh applesauce, sweet potato souffle, pot likker {with cracklin bread}, brunswick stew, greens, sweet rolls, and of course, the table wine of the South--sweet tea. YUM. We enjoyed our meal, (and I especially enjoyed my mother in law enjoying the Southern cuisine!) and then headed up a few blocks to our local theatre to take in The Nutcracker.

Here's the backstory on that: My mom and I had been wanting to go this year, but tickets are pricey and it's such a busy time of year we just hadn't scheduled it. My friend {Shout out--and HUGE thanks--to Tamara!!) called me on Wednesday to see if we were in town Friday. I said we were and she asked if I wanted some (FREE) tickets to the dress rehearsal performance. I don't think I could get the words "yespleasecanIhavefourticketsthankyousomuch" out fast enough. So awesome!

Anyway, we got there early since there were no seat assignments and it was first come first serve. We ran into friends and ended up sitting on the first row in the center, behind the conducter (much to his chagrin, I think). It was amazing. We were all wide-eyed to watch the inner workings of the show and to enjoy the facial expressions on the dancers' faces (something a bit difficult to do from a million yards away our normal seats!). :) The dancing was, of course, amazing. Equally as enjoyable was watching the conductor and the muscicians. It was like we were attending the symphony--so fun!

Some of my favorite quotes from Anna-Kate tonight...

{during the intermission time the dancers were practicing on stage.}
Anna-Kate: (whispering into my ear) "Mama, he's not very man-like", while pointing to a dancer with only his tights and no shirt on.
Me: "Umm, what did you say?"
AK: "He isn't man-like. You know, like we are lady-like. He isn't man-like without his shirt on. Oh, and aren't you glad I whispered this to you?"


Sighing loudly in frustration during the dance of the snow faries, "They keep moving! Now I'm gonna have to start my counting over!"


After the Sugar Plum Fairy finished her dance (which was amazing) she leans over and said, "Well, we haven't learned that yet in ballet."


With her Nana and Mimi at dinner.

Sure love being able to make special memories with this girl!

Anna-Kate was delighted to get to sit by her friend Hannah!

Group shot in front of the tree in the lobby.

Standing applause at the end. I know it's dark, but literally two feet in front of Anna-Kate is the orchestra pit.

And there they were...

I so wanted a (good) picture of the two of us. Alas, she was done. Here she is smiling with her eyes closed being silly. :)


Heather said...
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Dance411 said...

so glad you could make it, anna kate is such a cutie and i think all the girls enjoyed it! marley had some funny sayings and questions too!