Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer fun

We hosted Ryan's playgroup today (that's right...not quite 5 months old and has "friends" already!:) ). Thankfully, Lydia Crabb is in the group, so Adam is always there to play with Anna-Kate. The big kids ran circles around the house (great naps!) and the babies played in my living room where I moved my coffee table out and put a big quilt down. Anna-Kate thought it was the greatest thing in the world to have the furniture rearranged. :) "I have picnic mommy, ok?". :)

While I was going to the bathroom the other day Anna-Kate came in (privacy and personal space are non-existent for me, and highly under-rated pre-child I've determined) to inform me that "Ryan said 'ahhh' mommy". "Great, what else does he say Anna-Kate?". "Well, he says 'goo' and 'ahgoo' too". Thanks for the update. He also squeals. That's his new thing....my friend Liana says it sounds like a pot-bellied pig. Ha.

Tonight, after dinner, we all headed outside to enjoy the relative cool. We played with bubbles (of which I am the best bubble-blower ever) and drew with sidewalk chalk. I drew a big circle, a big square and a big triangle and was trying to get Anna-Kate to jump from one to the other (kinda like hopscotch with no throwing of a rock). I ended up extending it and she really got into it(girl LOVES to jump). She jumped for probably 15 minutes. Seriously? Can I bottle and sell the energy, or just borrow 5 minutes' worth? So towards the end of the evening I hear...
AK: I jumping mommy!
JH: Great, jump square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle.
AK: OK. scare, tri-angle (accent on the "an"), oval...
JH: not an oval baby, it's a circle.
AK: Circle? No mommy, oval.

OK....so I can't draw, not even a circle. How pitiful is that?? My 2 year old can already see my inadequacies as an artist!


Gil House said...

your baby girl sounds too much fun! that made me laugh out loud! maybe she'll be the artist in the fam? :)

Tate Family said...

Smarty pants, eh? ;) She's a hoot!