Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Seriously? I mean, seriously. Come on now!

So Ryan threw up again on Saturday (seriously?).

Then again today (I mean, seriously?).

Our total, for those of you keeping track, the last 2 Tuesdays and the last 5 Saturdays. (Come on now!)

I called the ped back again who assured me that for him without fever he wasn't sick (just covered in throw up...as was the car, his carseat etc etc. Again.). As we tried to talk through stuff to find any sort of answer she suggested that since he's so small his stomach might just be smaller and to not give him more than 4-5 oz of milk at a time. So, now we are to do a 4-5 oz cup at every meal and one snack. And trying not to put him in the car (in case he gets carsick) right after drinking milk. (Oh, so practical what with driving to church on Sunday mornings and to MMO on TR am's...) But, we'll see if that helps. His spirits are good, as always, as soon as he throws up he is his same sweet self walking around playing. Poor guy threw up on the way to school today, so had to just sit in it for about 15 minutes. Still didn't cry. What a good kid.

Again, prayers are much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Janelle. I had just sent you an email about the throwing up this morning. That is just so strange. I was going to say, Kristen's son gets carsick and it started showing up right around age 1. You could try the SeaBands - they're used for morning and motion sickness. They do make them for children. I'll continue to pray about this - I know it's so stressful.


Tate Family said...

Oh my word. What the heck is up? So strange!! :( Hang in there, mama. Hoping it's nothing serious!