Monday, May 4, 2009

I got nothin'.

When we were driving home from church I was asking Anna-Kate how her Sunday school class was. She told me it was good and even went on to tell me what she learned. I asked who was there and she named off her friends and teachers. Then she said,"who that big girl?" (there was like a 12ish year old in there helping her mom). I told her I wasn't sure what her name was. Anna-Kate said, "her teeth sure are funny". I said, "what do you mean, she's a silly girl?" (trying to steer away from where I was afraid this was going...). "No, her teeth are funny looking. She need new ones."

Oh my. There are no words or manuals for how to deal with that.

She and I went to Publix yesterday, you know, just the girls. :) We were walking out and a man passed us. Quite audibly she said, "Mommy, is that a boy or a girl there?" (while pointing right at him). I immediately pulled her hand down, got in between her and him (while unsuccessfully trying to hide myself behind any object or just shrink , or find that magic rewind button to make the whole thing go away. Where are my super powers when I need them?!?). I said, rather quietly, "that's a boy honey, and it's not polite to point or ask that question." Her response, "I don't think that a boy Mommy, but I not sure."

Again, how to deal with that? Apart from my "make me invisible" button.


Brie said...

Wow! If she's coming up with this stuff at 3, I can't wait to hear what she comes up with in the future! :)

Chris said...

it was johnny's fyi

Michael and Andrea plus Baby Dawg said...

oh my gosh such an innocent and curious question but i know you were just DYING there. I can't wait to post you some funny sayings of Elli Kate.

Tate Family said...

Ok, she is way too advanced. LOL

kelly said...

oh dear. but seriously, if it's the teenage emo type, don't they *want* you to wonder? androgyny is the new hotness, no? anna-kate is just playing along :)