Friday, July 3, 2009

Long weekend...

...oh, how I love you!

Since Chris was off today he had some guys over to grill last night while some neighborhood friends and I went to grab dinner and play trivia. We had a great time!

Today we slept in, had breakfast then headed to the zoo. The weather was wonderful and the kids were so excited to have Chris with us! We took the wagon (which was the greatest hit. Ever.) and our lunch and made a day of it. While walking in Anna-Kate said, "I need to show my daddy where stuff is, he not know." I have officially conquered my debilitating fear of snakes. I still don't like them, don't get me wrong. But, I am no longer frozen with fear at the sight (honestly? mere mention) of them. Ryan LOVES them. Figures. We were in the reptile house and Chris took Anna-Kate (because she's heavier and it's situated such that she can't see a thing without being held) and I took Ryan, who asked to look at every blasted snake, turtle, lizard and alligator in there. He finally knows what snakes "say", sssssssssss, he says.

The kids on the lions. They love to climb and play on these (and I remember climbing and playing on them as a kid!).

The kids with their wonderful Daddy and Willie B.

Riding the carousel.

A side note. Speaking of things he says...poor kid's gotten short-changed on "atta boys" in his life. So, here's the newest of what he says, "me-mam"(yes ma'am-but hey, he's consistent!), "peese", "tate" (Anna-Kate), "dog" and "per" (both referring to Copper), "bear" (he was extremely excited to see panda bears today!), ball, "roo" (car, as in vroom...), "hi", "bye-bye", "up", "auk-u" (thank you),as well as nodding emphatically yes or no at the appropriate times. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, that's just what's coming to mind...(One of my favorite things he does is every morning I get him out of bed and change his diaper, pick him back up and walk back to his crib where he throws his paci and lambie back in then waves and says bye-bye.) So cute. He signs "please", "more", "all done", "up", "eat", "snack"
He knows the animal sound for snake, dog, cat, monkey (his favorite), lion, sheep, elephant, fish, bird, cow. We're working on rooster (it's currently "dooo") and pig, owl, and horse. Another development, after I got him up from his nap on Wednesday (and he had played for a little bit) he grabbed himself so I asked him if he needed a clean diaper and he nodded yes. hmm. At least he's starting to understand the concept. Maybe? He's since done it 2 other times. (though, to be fair, I asked him if he needed a new diaper because he went "stinky" he said no).

Back to today. During naps I ran errands. Alone. In the middle of the day. Ahhh. I picked up Little Caesar's for us and some friends and we went to the pool for dinner and play. Ryan had a ball! He was jumping in, floating on his back, kicking his feet when I put him on his belly...I really feel like he'll swim before Anna-Kate does. hmm. She talks about wanting to learn to swim, but as she won't jump to me even if I'm holding her hands, this doesn't seem imminent.

I topped the day off with a long bath and pedicure, all I need now is a bowl of icecream! (though, I do have to work tonight...)

Tomorrow we are going to the Botanical Gardens (it's free for Bank of America card holders on the first weekend of the month. If you have BOA, check and see what museums in your area are free). Although, we have effectively moved all of our money from BOA (we are seriously praising the Lord for finally being allowed to get USAA!!). Whatever, we're still going. We still have the cards and that's the only stipulation. After that we have two 4th of July parties to attend. Needless to say, we'll be eating some yummy hotdogs, burgers and all that goes with it tomorrow. Happy Birthday America!

Now, on to my icecream...


Tate Family said...

What a fun day! Everything just goes better when hubby can come along. I agree. Haha!

Mom B said...

If it weren't for ME, you'd have never been in a reptile house in your life!!! Love you!