Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not my finest mothering moment

That's right, I'll admit it. Poor Ryan, on his birthday no less, received the brunt of my anger.

Here's the situation. I put Ryan on the potty and he said he didn't need to go. We sat there for a few minutes and then I got him off. In the time it took for me to walk from the downstairs bathroom to the (downstairs) laundry room (to get him underwear) to the sofa halfway in between, I found Ryan, in the process of sliding off of the sofa, a trail of poop behind him.

I took a picture. Will someone please assure me that this will be funny one day?

I ran him back to the potty and had to walk away I was so grossed out and irritated and angry. There, I said it. Now, before you feel too sorry for him, the reason I was angry isn't because he had an accident per say, it's because I know he's capable of more and was being lazy. The night before he had made, uhh, poop noises we'll call them (you know, grunts) in the car. I told him to hold them in until we got home. Which he did--10 minutes later. I was so proud of him. So, why I have trouble with this is because I know he can hold it if he wants to, and not only didn't he hold it, he told me, not 2 minutes prior, he didn't need to go.

Anyway, after I composed myself, I asked him if he was a baby or big boy. He said big boy. I said that big boys don't go pee-pee or poo-poo in their underwear (which, thanks mom for pointing out that he didn't technically go in his underwear...issure remains...). I asked him if he needed to wear diapers again like a baby. He emphatically shook his head no and said, "No meehm" (no ma'am). I told him that if he kept going in his underwear he would have to wear diapers again. No more accidents the rest of the day or today, so we'll see how effective that is.

Afterwards, I went to Ryan and told him I was sorry for getting angry and asked him if he could forgive me. Sweet boy, he said, "yes meehm" then gave me a big hug and grabbed my hand and kissed it. What a precious, precious boy.


Meagan Dennison said...

I'm impressed that you took the time away from your anger/frustration to actually take a picture! When Hudson has disgusting accidents like that, all I can think about it getting it cleaned up without barfing!

Jenn said...

You were right. This did make me feel better:) You're still a supermom to me!

Chris said...

no one will ever sit on our couch again...

The Bartons said...

HAHAHAHAHA. your downstairs is just riddled with great 'accident' stories :) i think chris would still say i beat Ryan :)