Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jack eats!

Just for kicks, we decided to give the ol' cereal a go tonight. Jack's been waking early from naps and nighttime sleep wailing and smacking his lips, and he's begun following our food from our plates to our mouths with his eyes. We were hesitant to start this early (he isn't quite 5 months yet) because of Anna-Kate's food issues. [We began her on solids around 4 1/2 months and she had major intestinal/GI problems (so much so we had to do barium and x-rays etc all to find out that her digestive system wasn't mature enough for solids and we weren't able to supplement until she was about 7 months old.)] For that reason, we didn't start Ryan until 5 1/2 months. My mom said I should give it a try, you know, that whole parenting each child as an individual. Why is that so hard to remember?

[Gonna give a shout out to my friend Tamara, who gave me some coupons for a new line of baby food, (to be clear, free coupons. She speaks my language. Ahh.) HappyBellies cereals (there is a whole line, but first things first).]

Me with my big boy!

The first bite:

Not so sure...

And, he continues to amaze, he took it beautifully! Apart from the first bite, there was no spilling, no mess. He ate it all. I would stop to make sure he had swallowed it and he cried for more (this is unprecedented, as far as I've ever heard. Clearly, he's a genius. Well, he could just take after me and be an eater. Whatev's).

Yum, yum! This is what he did the whole time, tried to hold my hands to keep the spoon in his mouth.


Megan said...

His face looks precious as he's eating his first bites of cereal!

Dance411 said...

yaah!! love shoutouts! ha! we have graduated to Happy Baby Puffs, Yogurt Melts and frozen food! let me know if you need more coupons or any of your friends :) i love Free too!!

Jack is so precious and looks like he is enjoying the food!