Monday, August 23, 2010

The Mary's

So I've written before of Anna-Kate's imagination, and imaginary friends (and if you call them "pretend friends" she will correct you and tell you that they are "imagination friends". Lol.). At least she realizes they are imagination friends and we don't have a "Beautiful Mind" on our hands. Recently, she's taken it to a whole, 'nother, level.

Anna-Kate's "go-to" name is Mary. When she was 18 months old she had conversations with Mary (that would be the mother of Jesus) and Joseph. Since then, her "friend" Mary has evolved into Mary Martin, but now includes "the Mary's" (her saying).

Recently at our tea party the (imaginary) door bell rang and she said, "Oh, it's the Mary's!" and went to answer the door. "Oh hi, Mary doodee, Mary cocoa, Mary shaddy and Mary Martin, (her favorite of the Mary's) won't you come in and have some tea?". She showed them their seats and poured tea, with plenty of milk and sugar for each and carried on 4 conversations with them, and me--such a born hostess. :)

I know this is silly, and to be honest, a little weird, but I want to remember this. So, I write it here.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I love this! She is so creative and has a wonderful mind. Yea for silly girls:)