Monday, June 16, 2008

Patient means.....

"...waiting and waiting for the cookies to be done. Waiting so nicely." Well, that's according to Anna-Kate's favorite book, affectionately called "the cookie book", says (P.S., if asked what patient means she says "waiting nicely mommy"). Patience is a big thing we are working on in our house these days. I am only one person after all and can't do everything for everyone at the exact moment they would like it done (nor would I if I could...patience is a virtue afterall...).

Anyway, I've tried to be really good about not only making Anna-Kate wait for help, but having Ryan "wait" as well. If he's fussing while I'm making her lunch, for instance, I'll tell him (so she can hear) "Ryan, you need to be patient so mommy can help Anna-Kate first". I think it's good she doesn't feel like she's the only one waiting. Well, she's started "helping" her brother learn patience. Now if he's fussing she tells him "just one second Ryan" or "mommy's hepin An-Kate". Ha! Thankfully, he's a pretty laid back kid (to balance her not being laid back...hmm, like me??) so the transition to two hasn't killed me. :) Patience is something I guess we all need a little more of.

1 comment:

Mom B said...

I'm thinking back to your youth.....