Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It has begun already...

When Anna-Kate poops she gets two gummy treats (her gummy bear vitamins).

So, this morning she had pooped and said she wanted a lollipop instead (it is fruit juice, no added sugar and has calcium and zinc is what she gets if she poops a second time in a day). I said no, you get bear treats now, lollipop later if you poop again. She flipped out crying. I told her tantrums were not allowed, to pull herself together and then walked away. A moment later she walks up to me (I was sitting) gave me a huge hug and said, "please mommy. Please may I have a lollipop" then gave me a huge kiss. Well, now I couldn't oblige her because that is straight up manipulation! Hoping it was a fluke, I stuck to my guns and gave her the bear treats.

A moment ago I was putting her down for her nap. Ryan goes down at 12:45 and she goes down at 1:30, so we have special "girl time" every afternoon before nap. She had chosen to spend it playing outside (flipping out every time a real or imaginary bug made it's presence known!!) and then reading stories. I told her I would read two stories from her Bible book. I read about creation and about Noah. She then said she wanted to read one to me. I said OK. She turned to the story about Moses taking the Israelites to the Promised Land and God giving them manna. Unfortunately, she said, "umm, I forgot the words. You need to read to me instead." I said no, that I had read two stories already and it was time for bed. "Please mommy, Pleeeease read me story about Moses!" then planted a huge kiss on me. Had to look away because I was laughing.

She just doesn't understand that blatant manipulation like that can't be obliged or I lose and things get harder the next day. Oh well, she'll learn. :)


ag_roe said...

dang girl. way to be tough. I think you are absolutely right, don't give in. but it must be tough, not to!

Tate Family said...

We are going through that manipulation, too. I'm not as good at staying strong as Joeie is, but I'm getting there. ;) She is a smart little booger, eh?