Monday, October 19, 2009

paci update

Ryan went down like a dream last night, no tears! I think he was so exhausted he just couldn't even cry. Slept until 8:15 this morning. :)

Thinking we were done, I laid him down at 1...tears for about 10 minutes. Theeeeeeen, he woke up at 2:30. Ahh! Praying it was a poopy diaper I went up there, but alas, no. He never fell back asleep. Now we are just trying to keep him awake until 8. Praying if we stick to schedule, his naps will adjust themselves soon (like, tomorrow would be super, thanks).


Gil House said...

dude, this is SO why i was bitter when paci went away - so did 2 naparoos. hopefully punk'n head will go back to sleeping like a trooper soon!

Dance411 said...

i took marley's away at 19 months, it was ridiculous! she acted like a straight crackhead! seriously! trying to fight cornel and I! HA! but after a few days it was over. I have no idea what I'll do next time, b/c it was good for a certain period, ya know!

good thing you did it now!