Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cruel Irony

Alternate title: Sigh
Alternate, alternate title: Will my mountain of laundry ever go away?

(No, it won't.)

Last night I finally changed Ryan's sheets. We went to McDonalds and they played on the nasty, disgusting playground until Ryan's hair was matted to his head he was so sweaty for over an hour. I had every intention of giving him a quick bath before his nap, but he fell asleep and I just wasn't going to wake him up for that. Ya, that was Friday. Anyway, I finally changed his sheets last night and, as I was doing it, thought to myself, "wouldn't it be funny [not the "ha-ha" funny--more the "it's my luck" kinda funny] if he had an accident or got sick tonight and I had to change these again?". Oh, famous last words. How you taunt me. Evidently, our power went off in the middle of the night again.

[I'll wait while you recover from your shock.]

Imagine my surprise when Anna-Kate came in my room this morning (in the dark of morning and my clock was blinking). Ryan was banging on his door (and she heard him as she wakes up early). I went to get him and he said he needed to go potty. I went to take off his diaper (we are trying to use the last of them at night) and found, there wasn't one. Oh no. Lamby was drenched. I left him on the potty to investigate. His diaper was only a little wet. My super-sleuth skills would tell me that he woke up as he was going a little and he didn't like having wet "underpants", so he took off the diaper, never mind that it was the middle of the night. He must have woken up again when he had his next accident. (I am sensing another alternate title, "Ryan is no where near nighttime potty trained") Everything was drenched. His sheets from last night are still in the washer. So, I put him back to bed on top of his quilt (which, miraculously, stayed dry).

Happy Tuesday! I can only be thankful that a) it isn't Monday and, b) we weren't dealing with poop in this instance. Silver linings people, silver linings.

So, I have a question. Do you change your kids' sheets regularly (like, every Friday, or something) or do you wait for a reason to change them (sickness, accident) or some random formula of waiting for a reason with parameters?

Now, I'm off to do laundry.


Anonymous said...

I change their sheets every 1.5-2 weeks, or as needed. Madison's crib sheet and our sheets (Matt and I) get changed weekly. Now that the boys are in bunks, I have a feeling it'll be harder to change sheets on a regular basis. I can't maneuver around very well on the top bunk so I'm counting on Matt to help me w/ Aid's sheets!


The Levy's said...

Every other week we change sheets on everyone's bed....and I don't mean that I actually do it...Ania does! If someone is sick, then they get changed immediately, but other than that, every other week.

Dance411 said...

I change them once a week or 1.5 weeks, but always when I change them, Marley pees that night (esp cornel forgets to take her at 11pm, boo to him)! crib sheets once a week. i hate changing sheets!

Jenn said...

I change the kids' every other week unless there's some sort of accident...which who are we kidding, there always is:)

Sara said...

I wait for a reason to change them - and it has to be a really good one! Am I a bad mom? Ha! :)

Chris said...

Change the sheets when we change ours. Seems only fair lol.

Except for Jack's because his is a pain.

Tate Family said...

Ditto to Sara...think we'd get along great. :) And NO, that doesn't make us bad moms.