Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rising early

I have felt convicted for a while about being lazy, not exercising, playing online while my kids were awake and needing attention, but especially where my quiet time with Lord was concerned. Our assistant pastor preached through James this summer and a running theme is self control (through a tight reign on the tongue, prayer, a heart akin to Christ's that we can see other's as He does etc).

So, I decided I needed to wake up early. This pained my soul. I had a really good thing going with 8 am wake time for my kids. Want some honesty? I could count on 1 hand how many times I set the alarm in May-July. Sad. Thankfully, the Lord continued to convict and has helped me want to get up early since the beginning of August (this is a big deal for me!). Amazing how time in the Word has such an effect on the words that come from my mouth. I am certainly not saying I am the essence of self control and patience, but the daily reminder that I am to "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (Jms 1:19) has been helping my attitude and the conscious way I try and guard my words, especially where my children are concerned. More so, even than my words, was my heart (you know, that thing I'm always harping on my kids for making like Jesus'?). I've been praying for a heart like Jesus' which shows a genuine love for others, (regardless of my time, convenience and schedule!) a pure heart, and an extra measure of patience.

This time in a quiet house has been so great (I know this is painfully obvious to some of you who have done it for years...)! Before my kids get up I've spent time with the Lord with a nice cup of coffee, checked my email, (while waiting for said coffee to brew) made my bed, (really helps my position to the kids that making our bed is the first thing we do in the morning, when my bed is already made) and gotten ready for the day. My goal is to slowly work my way up to a little earlier and incorporate some steps (if you know me you know that I detest working out. Alas, post-partum tummies demand it.).

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