Monday, January 25, 2010

I've been thinking

I've been thinking alot about Haiti recently, as has anyone that is remotely connected to the world via tv, internet, or having eyes and ears has been. My heart breaks for the devastation that has occurred: the loss of life, the sadness and sickness. It's heartbreaking.

I think what hits me harder than anything, is that I've been to Haiti before. I went the summer after my sophomore year of highschool for a few weeks with a group from my highschool and some doctors. Haiti is a beautiful country and its people have amazing hearts and smiles, despite their poverty. Children play and smile and mamas and daddies provide for them and love them as best they can--just like here in America. The only difference is, their homes had holes in the roofs and those roofs simply covered dirt floors. When it was lunchtime, that didn't mean it was time to eat. When a baby got sick, it wasn't taken to a doctor for medicine.

To be honest, I hadn't thought much about Haiti in years (let's be clear, it's been a few...). Seeing the pictures of devastation of this earthquake ravaged country, the pain and loss of what, compared to me, was nothing in the first place, has truly broken my heart. You know why? Because besides being a human with a beating heart with empathy for others, I am a mother. Since the day I became a mother, any hurting child is an extension of my own child and hurts my heart. A child going to bed hungry? What if that hungry child with a swollen belly were Anna-Kate? A sick child, or one with an injury badly in need of a doctor, but no money for one? What if that were Ryan? A mother helplessly holding her child in the street not able to offer anything to comfort her crying baby? What if that was me with baby Jack?

I'll leave you with these...

Precious school children

At an orphanage in Port-au-prince


Dance411 said...

wonderful post. i could not watch a lot of the news also simply because of being a mom. our prayers can offer alot! money helps too but i also pray that what i sent will be directed to the right place.

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