Thursday, January 21, 2010

A science experiment, of sorts...

So Ryan didn't nap today. At all. He got 2 spankings for getting out of bed though (and, his trains are in indefinite time-out). Chris took Anna-Kate to the hockey game, so with early bedtime for my boy who fell asleep during a 5 minute car ride, I was anxiously awaiting my night alone to catch up with my tivo.

I got him ready for bed, threw the diaper downstairs, put him to bed, put on my jammies, then walked down to enjoy my bowl of humongous strawberries I got at Publix and watch some tv (nevermind that it was from last week).

Before I could walk to the kitchen to retrieve said strawberries, my venture was cut short by this. (I'm pretty sure this picture does not show the scene accurately.)

I was completely baffled by what this monstrous mess was myself. In case you are too, I present, my (unintentional) science project. Perhaps you didn't notice above that I tossed Ryan's (wet only) diaper downstairs. It landed on the wood floor (as I've done a million times). Key difference this time? The gel like substance that Pampers brilliantly uses to keep babies bums dry exploded. I'll paint the picture for you.

I got down on the floor (a feat in and of itself) and began inspecting the strange substance. Then, I was struck by the smell. Ahhh, lightbulb moment (though, sadly, not as profitable as Edison's lightbulb moment). Honestly, my first thought was, "well, at least I have something to blog about today." Then, I logically got a dishrag and began to clean it up. In case you've always wondered, urine in gel form doesn't wipe up. It sweeps up OK, until the broom gets wet. Same with the swiffer. So I had to go with the tried and true method of picking up piece by piece of a chunky mess and then meticulously cleaning the floor afterwards.

I'm not gonna lie, it put a damper on my evening.


Sarah B. said...

Janelle-you should totally call Pampers and complain about how their diapers fell apart (it would be best to leave out the part that said diaper was thrown over the balcony from a 2nd floor) but in any case they will either send you some sample packs or some coupons for your next shopping excursion! They are really committed to customer satisfaction and stand by their product. They diaper really shouldn't fall apart like it did.

Dance411 said...

This happened to my cousin at a pool. He was supposed to be in a swim diaper, needless to say when he got out to rest he was leaking that mess and everyone was scared! HA! and no it doesn't wipe up!

of course chris would be gone that night!

Liz said...

Same thing happened to me the other day. Took me a while to figure it out and was very frustrated trying to get it up. Sorry it happened to you but sometimes it's nice to hear I'm not CRAZY:)

Meagan Dennison said...

I'm sure it wasn't funny for you, but it was hilarious for me!

Mom B said...

Did you mean to say it put a "Pamper" on your evening? :-)