Alternate, alternate title: Sniff, Sniff, my baby is growing up!
Anna-Kate started 3-K yesterday. I can't believe it. I know she went to MMO last year, but it just isn't the same. She has her name on a name tag on her desk. (well, not desk, a table she shares with 2 other little girls). Still. This is a new school, and one where they do letter of the week, practice writing etc, not just organized play and glitter (though, there's nothing wrong with someone else doing glitter, I sure don't do it.).
Sitting at the breakfast table. She is SO EXCITED for school!
Here she is ready to go to her first day:
At school ready to walk in:
New backpack (isn't it cute??). This is my first time letting go and letting her choose something that isn't what I wanted to choose. I had picked out a backpack for her and ordered it and this one (this was to be a gift). She said she didnt' like the other one and please can't she have the PINK turtle one instead. Look people, it's baby steps for me...:
At the door of her classroom. Her classroom is the orange monkey's (for carpool purposes). Each kids' name was written on a banana and she got a huge kick out of that. :)
Me and my big girl! I was so proud of her--she gave me a big hug and kiss and there were no tears (on her part anyway...).
Afterwards she said that "Miss Angela is nice, we got to sing the 'good morning' song and I played with Ansley". I asked if she had a good time and she said she did, showed me her picture that she colored, and was excited to go back today. Growin' up, I say...
Coming tomorrow, pictures from her first ballet class. :) I'm just sayin', it was DARN CUTE!
Ok, so this isn't the point of the post, but I am so excited that I can click on the picture, see it up close, and that it doesn't go to Photobucket. HAHA! :)
So glad AK loved school!! Wesley is in LOVE with going to daycare/school. So much fun.
I'm so happy AK enjoyed her first day of school! Big girl!!
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