Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pictures, they really are worth 1000 words.

Anna-Kate started her dance class on Tuesday. She could not possibly have been more excited about it. (As in, I went in to get her up from her nap to discover she wasn't sleeping and as soon as I opened the door she said, "MOMMYISITTIMETOGOTOBALLETCLASSNOWANDPUTONMYBALLETCLOTHES, ISITISITISIT?????". [did you catch all that, that was me typing excitedly, very loud and without a breath].). Here she is downstairs waiting for me to go wake up Ryan so we could go.

Stretching (her friend Hannah is next to her in the black leotard).

She has been practicing standing on one leg for ballet class. Trying to balance...and, see how she is a full head shorter than another the little girl? They are all between the ages of 3 and 4...

She is taking the class with her friends Lauren and Hannah. They had a blast!

The first 30 minutes of class is ballet, the second half is tap. When I asked which she liked better she said, "ballet. I not so good at tap so I don't like it. Maybe when I get older I'll be good at it." At least she's honest...I know I don't like things I'm not good at either. Just a good time to talk about practicing and getting better at things that are hard. :)

At the very end of class the teacher lined the girls up by height. Of course, Anna-Kate was the shortest (by a decent amount). Anyway, they were doing the "tap train" (each had their hands on the shoulders of the girl in front and got to practice tapping heal/toe as they walked). Well, the teacher asked the girls where the tap train was going. She started in the back and the tallest girl said, "McDonalds." The next 2 girls said the same, then Hannah said, "Chickfila!!", the next girl said some other place to eat. Anna-Kate looked at the girls, then at her teacher and said, in all seriousness, "Well, I am going to Disneyworld on my train!".


kelly said...

you dream big, anna-kate. your mama can fund your disneyworld trip with her grocery savings.

Anonymous said...

"Where are you going now that you've completed your first dance class?"


Love the pics, J. She's a doll!


Katie said...

So adorable Janelle! That's awesome she gets to do tap as well! She is going to love it!