Saturday, August 1, 2009

Special Delivery

I went in to kiss Anna-Kate goodnight.

AK: "I have a present for you Mommy"
Me: "What is that honey?"
AK: "I going to share my money with you."
Me: "why are you going to share your money with me?"
AK: "Because I just have too much!"
Me: "How do you have too much money?"
AK: "Because my daddy works so hard and brings home money for us and he gave me pennies and I have a lot, so I going to share."
Me: "well, if daddy gave you pennies maybe it's time to give some money back to Jesus to thank Him for giving daddy a job that makes us money."
AK: "Oh, that a good idea. I put money in plate at church. It can be a special delivery to God."
Me: "A special delivery?"
AK: "Yes, a special delivery. I send it [my money] up with kisses. I also think we should probably make Him banana bread too."


We had a wonderful family day. We spent the day playing at home together, then for dinner went to get pizza, played at a park and then went to get icecream (where we ran into some friends). I love lazy summer days. I especially love them knowing summer is almost over and life is going to get busier. I sure do love my family!

1 comment:

Katie said...

That is awesome Janelle! I especially loved when she dropped her special delivery this morning at church! ha!