Monday, August 10, 2009


We went to Publix this morning (spent $72, saved $74) and as we were walking in there was a stand full of cherries. Anna-Kate stopped and said, "mommy, pleeeease can we get some cherries? Please? I love them so much!"

(ps, this isn't 100% true, last time she had one I believe her exact words were, "I no like these bery much.")Just sayin'.

Anyway, when my kids express a huge interest in something healthy, I try to oblige (especially when said something is on sale...) so I bought some. Not many, but some. She was beyond excited talking about how they were "kinda pink, you know, dark pink" and she talked about them the.entire.time. we shopped. We got home and she immediately requested to have cherries with her sandwich. Alright, washed them, offered to cut the seeds out, she refused, so I put 'em on her plate. She took a little nibble. "Umm, these too juicy I think". I asked how any fruit could possibly be too juicy. She said, "well, they too juicy and not red and sweet like Chik-ole cherries" (aka, marciano milkshake toppers) she said. Ahhhh, it all clicks, she thought that was what I was buying. She ended up eating all of them and saying they were pretty good, "but I like Chick-ole cherries the best Mom".

Of course you do.


Before we went to Publix I told the kids if they were sweet and helpful we would get some french fries from McDonalds to eat with our sandwiches when we got home. (I was picking up McD's for my friend on bedrest and that just sounded soooo good). Anyway, they were both near angels, until the very end. In line, I don't even remember what the issue was about, Anna-Kate did the whole stomp my foot in frustration I-want-what-I-want-right-now thing (in truth, the cashier saw nothing, so it wasn't a big deal--this was a preemptive strike on my part and just the beginning of a would-be tantrum). I gave her that look, and said she had better pull it together or no french fries. She recovered quite quickly. So we got in the car and I headed towards McD's when I heard from the backseat, "Mommy, I guess I just can't have any french fries today. I wasn't a bery good girl today and I made you and Jesus sad didn't I?"

(WHAT? What is this? Thank you Jesus, she is listening and it is sinking in and all that discipline that is so hard to be consistent with is working?? Halleluiah!)

For her honesty, she got a big girl cup of ice water (roll your eyes if you will, it's a big deal to her) and 3 french fries while I took lunch in to my friend.

1 comment:

Chris said...

man i'd give her an ice cream for that.