Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby Shower

My baby shower for Jack was this afternoon and was so great! My sweet friends, Heather, Heidi and Leigh-Ann threw the bash for me and so many great friends attended. So fun!

It was a "Pampers and wipes" shower and I am happy (and quite thankful) to announce that baby Jack's bottom will be covered in nothing but the best for quite a long time! I am stocked from newborn-size 3 (and 1 package of size 4's--yes!). God is good to provide so many friends and family to support us and be excited with us for the birth of our third child. In addition to the diapers and wipes, Jack got a sweet outfit, burp cloth, little carseat toy, a silver train piggy bank with his name engraved on it, and a new carseat. (from Nana and Poppy)--our last one was SHOT and we are so grateful to have a new one (and it's super cute--black with green circles).

Not the greatest picture of me, but it is the only one I have of me, Mana and Mom.

My sweet grandmother, my moms' mom.

My diaper wreath (love me some swaddlers!) and the sweet cross for Jack's room, gracing the front door:

Welcome baby Jack sign with little trains on each end. So cute. Attention to detail, I love it!!

The party favors--how cute! All of the bright colored M&M's in a little diaper.

The table of food. Leigh-Ann made the awesome 3-d train cake. There were also little sandwiches, (turkey and ham on sister schubert rolls!) a fruit bouquet, peanut butter filled pretzels, little pacifier candies, peach gummy o's (my current obsessions, thanks Leigh-Ann!), nuts and punch. It was all so yummy and SO cute!

Close up of the cake:

View of the party:

Me and my sweet hostesses (Leigh-Ann, Heather and Heidi). Thanks so much girls!:


In completely unrelated, yet EXTREMELY EXCITING, news, we booked our 2010 Disney trip and dinner reservations today. I am beyond pumped (and take my word for it when I say that my excitement pales to that of a certain 3 year old I know who has been talking about her return since last May and has upped the chatter to CONSTANTLY talking about it). We've got dinner dates planned with Cinderella (and Charming and the stepsisters), Pooh (and friends), Mickey and the gang, at Boma, and the Hawaiian Spirit of Aloha dance meal. Again, beyond excited.

I should also say, she's getting really smart. We had not been talking about Disney the other day but I spelled out a-n-i-m-a-l k-i-n-g-d-o-m lodge the other night at dinner and Anna-Kate looked up and said, "Oh yes, when we go back to the animal kingdom I would like to meet Pocahontas". WHAT?!? I mean, I get that she has come to learn what s-h-o-w and s-n-a-c-k mean, but animal kingdom? Wowza.

So, I will speed up my spellings of things.


phillips phamily said...

Let us know the dates and we can plan on meeting up with y'all or come to the park with you one day!

Mom B said...

:-) Never spell words that spell like their sounds! Of COURSE she's smart!!!

Chris said...

please don't speed up spelling either, i have a hard enough time keeping up as is.