Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook status

I often quickly update my Facebook status with cute or funny things the kids say. I thought it would be good to steal some of my latest status updates to document the sweetness (or, funniness, as the case may be) of our daily life.

As I sat with Ryan in my lap he started pulling my collar in an upward motion saying "big, BIG!". I was beyond confused. He finally {in complete frustration} looked in my eyes and emphatically said, "get BIG Mommy!". I said, "Ryan, do you want me to stand up?" He looked at my like it was the most obvious thing in the world and nodded.


Just heard Anna-Kate say to her doll, "Gracious, why I am just overjoyed to have you for tea my friend!" Can you tell we've been reading the American Girl Felicity series?


Ryan: "Jack, I teach you go potty like big boy! First lift this thing {lid} then pull pants down, then underpants then squeeeeeze 'em in!"
While I helped Ryan put his pants back on Jack decided he'd try it putting both hands in the potty!!! EEEEW.


Anna-Kate to Ryan: "what you drinking?"
Ryan: after taking a biiiiig sip, "mama's coke. it's good."


When told her ballet teacher was moving to Florida Anna-Kate said, "but she can't stay there forever, there are only hotels for a week at Disneyworld in Florida." I told her that people actually had houses here too, she said, "oh, we need to move there then!"


Anna-Kate: "do you know the nice thing to say when you finish pooping?"
me: "umm, no?"
AK: "Say, 'I'm done', but say it very nicely. That's the polite thing to say".
LOL, who knew?


Anna-Kate to Ryan: what are you gonna be when you grow up?
R: a pirate
Ak: gonna live at disneyworld?
R: yep
Ak: oh that sounds nice


Anna-Kate on the haircut I got yesterday, "you kinda look like a boy. I don't ever want you to cut my hair like yours is." Thanks, Anna-Kate. I didn't think I liked it, now I know...


When I was dropping Anna-Kate off at school today I asked her if she had missed her friends {this was from beginning of December after Thanksgiving break} she said, "yes, but my most favorite days in the whole wide world are when I'm with you!" {a little drama with a lot of "aaahh" thrown in--love that girl!}.

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