Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today is day two of the "ice-apocalypse 2011" of the south. We still have yet to venture beyond our driveway (and that was yesterday, but whatev's).

We had friends drop by (out for a walk--really??) today and other than that we drank a lot of coffee, I cleaned like a mad woman, Chris took a shovel to the driveway (to get the 1"+ ice off) then got some work in, and the kids played together. I'd call it a lovely winter day. So thankful I didn't have to get out in the ice.

Any-hoo. Chris grilled some steaks for us, we found boxes worth of crap and toys under the kids' beds cleaned the kids rooms, had our family devotion time and then I decided to indulge my sweet tooth.

Mmmm, perfection.

In my observation, there are many types of marshmallow eaters out there. The "catch it on fire so I can eat it in 7 seconds flat" type. The "I don't want any brown on it, just soft in the middle" type. And then there are those who demand perfection from their marshmallow eating experience {like moi'}. I like my marshmallows dark brown at the edges and just browned across, but completely melted throughout. I can't stand it when they catch on fire, (because they are charred and not melted in the middle.) I'm dedicated to achieving the perfect roasted marshmallow.

What kind of a marshmallow toaster are you?


Meagan Dennison said...

I like them toasted so that they are melted all the way through, but then I like to seer it all over. YUM.

Meagan Dennison said...
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Anonymous said...

oh man, i'm so jealous. we ran out of marshmallows on monday! I would say 5 in a row was a little much....so I SHOULD have my fill of them. but I do not. I would kill for one of those guys right now.
