Monday, March 28, 2011

It continues...

Ryan walked into my room this morning a few minutes before 8.

R: "Look Mommy, my eye is crying!"
Me: "Inconceivable! You have pink eye!" {why I was shocked at this point, I'm not quite sure}.
R: "I a boy, I not have pink eye, I have green eye."
Me: "Sadly, you have both at this point."


I've almost finished my second bottle of Lysol spray this month. My toys have never been cleaner and I'm exhausted. This is a pink eye super bug, evidently. So I, for one, cannot wait for the month of March to end. We have only had seven days since February 22 that someone hasn't been sick in our house...It has to end soon, right?

1 comment:

Holbie said...

Sounds like our month of December. From December 1st thru December 25th someone seemed to be sick in our household.

Hope the pink eye doesn't spread and I hope you don't have to bring him in for the prescription...