Saturday, March 12, 2011

A long time comin'

So, Ryan turned three {horrible it took me this long!}.

A quick Ryan recap.


Announcement picture:

Age 1:

Age 2:

Age 3:


We went to his well baby last week and he is 31 lbs (50%) and 36" (40%). Ryan absolutely is the cuddler of all three kids and I treasure the way he curls up into my lap, pats my back and just snuggles. He is very independent (we're in the "I do it" stage. Sigh.) and extremely strong willed. I keep telling myself (and fervently praying) that this is a good trait. Once the Lord gets his heart, our prayer is that Ryan is a strong fighter for the Lord. He doesn't care what other people think and know what he wants (both good traits, just still tweaking that...). :) Ryan is the entertainer, the life of the party and I have yet to find someone he cannot weasel his way into their hearts. I truly believe that God gave him a little extra helping of cute to cover his naughtiness. He doesn't meet a stranger he won't speak to, loves to laugh and all of his little friends stop what they are doing and say "Ryan's here!" when he goes to school. (So cute!) I absolutely cannot believe he is three! We sure do love you buddy!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

He is sooo cute Janelle! He sounds like Rane's twin, but of course, why wouldn't he??!! :)