Monday, April 26, 2010

And it started off so good

Alternate title: God bless single mothers.

So I'm gonna tell you a story about my friend. Let's call her Scmanelle.

She just had her third child a few weeks ago and her husband was away on a business trip across the country. (Yes, it gets worse). She went upstairs to get her kids ready for bed to discover that they, along with a couple of friends, had emptied almost all toys from every bin in all 3 kids' rooms. After spending 20 minutes cleaning up (not perfect, enough to make it livable) she opted to nurse her baby while doing family devotions (readying, praying, singing--she's a multi-tasking diva). While she finished feeding the baby she instructed her oldest to help her middle child go potty. Middle child said he didn't have any "poops" to go. Insisted. Who was the mother to tell him otherwise? So he got in bed. Without his underwear on. For about 2minutes while she put the baby in the crib with his mobile. In that time middle child pooped in his bed...managing to get a little on the pillow, fitted sheet and sheet (because, remember, he had no underwear on). She may or may not have lost it at this point. Middle child ran to bathroom and sat on little potty, smearing poop all over it. The mommy had to console infant then run downstairs to get still not quite dry sheets from drier to change the bed so that she could remake the bed. Oldest daughter would call out from her bed every so often "he's off the potty again mom" or something equally as tattle-taleing helpful.

At 8:47, when sheets were changed, baby was consoled, middle child was changed in to clean pj's (as originals had a smear of poop on them from him sticking his finger in his bottom and then declaring "yuck" as he wiped it on his pj shirt) and mother had contained her tears and gotten over her intense frustration gathered her emotions together, she had to go apologize to middle child and ask his forgiveness. He looked up at her, smiled and said, "love you mommy" and blew her a kiss. She asked if he knew mommy loved him and he nodded. She started crying, again, at this point. She then checked on oldest daughter. She had fallen asleep with her head hanging off the edge of her bed (where she could obediently stay in bed while watching and reporting of her brother's potty actions. Sigh. Tattle tale.).

Do you feel sorry for me her yet?


Anonymous said...

oh goodness! we should have stayed an extra hour to help! so sorry if j didn't clean up toys, guys just don't think like we do--sorry you had to clean those toys up alone when I am sure my kids did at least 50% of that if not more... man, what an evening. hope you eventually got your bath?!?!


Dance411 said...

ooh! yes to the alternative title! sorry for the poop! but you seemed to have handled it well! thank God for your reinforcement coming!

Katie said...

I do! I feel sorry for you! I would've not only lost it with the poop I would have gone running for the hills!!!

emilie said...

Poor Schmanelle ;) But you make me laugh.... and it's all about me ;)