That's what Anna-Kate asked me twice today. Our neighborhood had our first annual 4th of July parade today (growing up we had one each year, and I've been wanting to start this tradition here for my kids--so fun!) and she asked why we were having a parade. I said because it was America's birthday and we were celebrating!
AK: "who's America?"
Me: "that our country, America. You know we live in ___, ___ and that's in America.
AK: "oh. Well, are we gonna sing to America for her birthday?"
Me: "No, probably not."
AK: "What are we gonna eat?"
(I then told her the food we were having at the various parties we attended, but said only we would be eating).
AK: "why doesn't America eat?"
Clearly, I did a poor job of explaining the situation. Would you believe me if I said this conversation happened again? Sheesh.
So, this morning was the parade. I was really impressed with how many showed up for it! We had lots of wagons and some bikes, strollers and bjorns. :) My friends husband offered to bring home the official pace car for a racetrack he works for. So that led our little parade (so fun!). There were Popsicles and a prize for best "dressed" ride. :)
In our decorated wagon. They each got to choose something from the dollar bin at Target to wear--Ryan's hat was hysterical on him and, amazingly, he kept it on the whole time!. Anna-Kate chose a cute little headband with "fireworks" that said USA. As tasteful as that could be, that's my girl!

Aaaand, Jack was there too. :)

In front of the pace car.

He went to town waving his flag.

We came home, put Jack down for a nap and I took the big kids to the pool. Anna-Kate is finally starting to let go a little in the water. She has always kept a death grip on me, but today floated in her hippo tube (while not standing on the steps!). Ryan, on the other hand, is a little daredevil! He jumps to me, goes completely under and pops back up again and begins kicking for the stairs. I believe he will swim this summer. So cute. :)
We came home, the kids' took naps and when they awoke, we headed to a friends house where they throw an (awesome) annual 4th of July party. The men grilled, the girls chatted, and the kids were in summertime heaven! Huge playground, trampoline, bounce house and slip-n-slide! (and not just any slip-n-slide, this is way wider and waaaay longer--Ryan loved it!).
I only had the chance to capture this picture of Anna-Kate as she was not amused this year (though she loved it last year???). I think Chris might have launched her too quickly? Maybe?

Ryan went time and time again (and, subsequently, was asleep within 2 minutes of being put to bed!). Look at the joy on that kids face! :)

He got to the bottom and before he had fully stopped would jump up and run back up the hill to do it again.

Unfortunately, the night ended more abruptly than we had anticipated. Ryan went down (again) and before he had gotten off, another boy (about 7 or 8) came down and crashed into Ryan. My boy had an immediate black goose egg with teeth marks on his forehead. You shoulda' seen the other guy...he lost his tooth! So thankful that Ryan is OK and no one was hurt any worse!
We came home, gave him some motrin, bathed the kids and put them to bed--such a fun day.
And yes, I know the 4th is actually tomorrow. :) Happy birthday, America!